‘Marketing Plan RECOVERY’ Video Series – Larimer SBDC

The Marketing Series for Business: Marketing Plan RECOVERY six-part virtual series episodes can be found below:


Series Kick-Off – the below video gives a brief introduction to the instructors and what their presentations will cover:


Marketing Mix – the below video presented by Franklin Taggart & Craig McBreen guides you to take a close look at your marketing mix in light of changes your business has likely experienced due to COVID. Are you still using the right tools to reach your customers?


Digital Basics – the below video presented by Greg Moore focuses on selecting and setting up the right digital tools that are key to being found online, which is how customers will increasingly find your business. Learn how to claim and edit your Google My Business listing!


Website Design – the below video presented by Tracey Devlin – takes a close look at design and user interface, as well as additions like e-commerce and online ordering.


Social Media – the below video presented by Amy Alcorn teaches how to make the most of the platforms you’re on!


E-mail Marketing – the below video presented by Kat Rico talks about e-mail marketing, important analytics, subject lines, and more!