Advanced Industries Programs

For: Businesses in an Advanced Industry
Type: Grants and investment tax credits
Amount: Varies
Time period: Varies

The following programs are designed to support job creation and innovation in your field as a business operating in one of Colorado’s seven advanced industries:

Grants and investment tax credits make up the Advanced Industries Accelerator programs which are designed to promote growth and sustainability in these industries by helping accelerate commercialization, encourage public-private partnerships, increase access to early-stage capital and create a strong ecosystem that increases the state’s global competitiveness.

Advanced Industries Programs:

Early-Stage Capital and Retention Grant: This grant helps Colorado-based advanced industries technology businesses develop and commercialize advanced technologies that will be created or manufactured in Colorado. Projects can receive up to $250,000.

Collaborative Infrastructure Grant: This grant helps teams of Colorado-based advanced industries technology businesses and nonprofits develop new large-scale projects. Projects need to cover gaps in the advanced industries and identify a matching fund of 2-to-1 non-State funding to State funding.

Advanced Industries Export Grant: This grant helps Colorado-based advanced industries technology businesses who want to export or are currently exporting. This grant is for small- and medium-sized businesses. It reimburses for international business development and marketing costs. Businesses can apply for up to $15,000 and up to 50% of the approved expenses.

Advanced Industries Investment Tax Credit: Investors can earn a state income tax credit for 25% of their investment up to $50,000 in credits on an investment of $200,000 or more. If the advanced industries business is in a Colorado enterprise zone, investors can earn a state income tax credit for 30% of their investment.

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