City: To register for licenses, city taxes, file returns and manage tax accounts, visit
State: For state taxes and a Sales Tax ID number, visit to register your business and file with the state
Federal: All forms of structure, except sole proprietors with no employees, must obtain a Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN), which is also your federal tax ID number. Visit the Internal Revenue Service.
Determine if you need additional permits or licenses with our Business Licenses & Permits FAQs:
- Liquor Licensing
- Marijuana Licensing
- Liquor Occupation (this is in addition to a liquor license)
- Outdoor Vendor (food trucks)
- Short Term Rentals
- Special Events Permit
- Looking for other special licensing & permits?
- Signs & banners
- Contractor Licensing
- Home Occupation Permit
Larimer County Health Department:
- Health Requirements
- Food & beverage safety training and certificate program
- Child Care Licenses